LexConsult - регистрация фирм, регистрация оао, регистрация ооо в Москве. Юридическое обслуживание, юридическое сопровождение бизнеса

tel. +7(495)749-8446 



License for maintenance of medical equipment

License for maintenance of medical equipment

We conduct legal examination and preparation of all required documents to obtain a necessary license. 
To obtain a license for the maintenance of medical equipment you need to provide the following documents:

1. Document confirming payment of license fee for consideration by the licensing authority an application for a license.

Cost-(300 rubles).Sample will be provided.

2. Copies of all Founding documents with all amendments and supplements 3. A copy of the passport of an individual entrepreneur.
4. Copies of documents proving ownership or other legal basis for the use of buildings, facilities and equipment for the licensed activity.
5. Copies of documents proving the relevant licensing requirements and conditions of qualification and experience of specialists, responsible for the maintenance of medical equipment.
6. Copies of documents showing verification and (or) the calibration of measuring instruments in accordance with the requirements of Articles 15 and 23 of the Russian Federation Law "On ensuring the unity of measurements.
7. The range of serviced medical equipment (Appendix № 1 to the statement).
8. Proof of the professional skills for the stuff, responsible for production and quality of medical equipment, with attached copies of diplomas, technical education and employment record books with copies of proof of relevant work experience at least 3 years.
9. Proof of the professional advance training for the stuff responsible for the production and quality control of medical equipment at least once every five years with attached copies of licenses, certificates, licenses (Annex number 2 to the statement).
10. Proof of logistical equipping (financial and technical).
11. Proof of presence of all regulatory, technical and operational documentation for maintenance of medical equipment.

Founding documents, papers for skilled professionals should be provided in the form of notarized copies

The cost of a standard set of services: 67 300 rubles

Deadline: 45 working days


Address: Moscow
Phone: +7 495 549 84 46, 7 906 797 46 46

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License for maintenance of medical equipment